It is, what it is

It is, what it is. And with life, nothing is permanent.

Understanding that in life, what has happened no longer holds any importance. what is important is what happens next.

For majority of persons, this statement means, Life goes on. When people use the phrase, it doesn’t make them less serious with life, or immune to bullshits.

But it simply means; ” Nah! I’m not gonna dwell on that. I’m done with that, take the lessons learned and apply it when necessary, while moving on to the next possible and sensible phase”. Because, why dwell on a situation as people expect of you, when you already know it changes nothing. – To dwell, is self torture.

The mindset behind the phrase “It is what it is”; is to peacefully prioritize your mental health.

I’ll say;

Mental Peace is the courage or ability for one to deliberately thrive peacefully, without losing yourself to stressors of life, or events that might have been capable of breaking your spirit.

Being mentally at peace, is like a protective shield that controls how you respond to things that’ll destroy your inner peace.

This doesn’t mean you’re immune to hurts, or lack emotions when you’re pained, or feel betrayed. Rather, you choose to accept things for what they are and move on with life.

As a person, one of the best things you can do for yourself is never to lose yourself, despite the challenges you face. Being mentally peaceful is a deliberate state of spiritual calmness, worth prioritizing for an effective living.

As my country people will always say;

Nigerian slang

Never neglect yourself, even when it seems like you’re getting almost every thing wrong with life, No matter how ugly, challenging, or chaotic life gets, losing yourself is not an option. life is for the living, and nobody has promised us a life without challenges; Not even God.

What God promised was that; ‘He will see us through whatever challenges that comes our way. so live graciously, with that might’.

Be lost in thoughts for a minute, play the scenarios in your head countless times, cry or scream, talk to someone, listen to music that elevates your soul, blog about your worries, if it helps lift the burden, – but losing yourself is not allowed.

Some of the best ways in which one can achieve Mental peace;

  • Practice forgiveness, towards yourself and others.
  • Face the uncomfortable truth, no matter how difficult it gets.
  • Journal your thoughts or blog about them.
  • Purge your circle of friends, if need be.
  • Meditation or Yoga.
  • Prayer for Strength to keep up with life.
  • Trust yourself, and be true to your decisions by making healthy choices, etc…

Conclusively, understand and accept that life is a run way filled with ups and downs; and sometimes you have to deliberately shut-out things that are meant to destabilize your peace and mental health. – Control what you give your energy to, and the rest will gradually fade away.




Love Jennie!

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