Honesty is the True Measure of Life

In a world where dishonesty thrive, truth is frowned upon.

Honesty and integrity is a rare quality in today’s hard fast world.

Be it amongst friends, family, colleagues, religious gatherings, business partners, or in relationships, etc.

Unfortunately. You lose friendships and associates, as easy as you made them friends, because of how thriving dishonesty has gotten.

People prioritize power, profits, and results, over standing for what is right.

And even those few rare good people who are truthful and honest, are despised by society, sadly.

You can’t be honest without offending people.

Most people want to know the truth.

But, deep down they can’t stand hearing the truth.

Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.

Spencer Johnson

But; I hope we as a people learn to understand that;

After death, it is not how long you live that matters, but rather how your life and presence on earth impacted lives and society (positive or Negative).

Yes, dishonesty is inevitable in a world such as ours, unfortunately.

And honesty may seem hard, but the freedom it gives is worth trying.

John Lyly summarized it all in this simple and yet resonating words, and I quote;

The true measure of life is not length, but honesty.

John Lyly

An honest man/woman is a trustworthy person.

Honesty earns you respect and honor.

It gives you freedom and peace of mind.

Honesty dignifies a man, even in his absence.

So, we have to try and keep telling the truth as it is, in situations that warrants it.

Honesty and truth telling, saves people from being convicted wrongly.

It can save a life from depression, that might have lead to suicidal thoughts.

That so little gesture of honesty as you think it is; goes along way of saving and changing people’s lives for good, and they’ll have you to thank for it.

We have to be good people.

The world needs it. 😘✌️

Thanks for reading, & please leave your comments…




With 💕
Copyright ©️ Ojspride (2023)

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